Upcoming Events:

Upcoming Events:

June 3 - 3rd Grade Awards ceremony 9:30am
June 5 - Last day of school

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I was so surprised to receive this wonderful gift this afternoon from my class.
What a great creative gift!  Thank you to all of the families that made this gift possible, I really appreciate it and can't wait to use the gift cards :). 
I have truly enjoyed this class, we have had a lot of good times and laughs!  I hope all of you have a safe and wonderful summer.  And of course I look forward to seeing all of you at.....

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


We have had a very special experience with getting to hatch an egg that Colin found at the ball field.  He found it about 6 weeks ago and brought it into school and we put it in the incubator.  Well to our surprise... It hatched yesterday morning.  
We named it "Lucky" since we felt like it was very lucky to be found.  After the last day of school 
Lucky is going to get to live on a farm where he can well...live a happy duck life!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Pen pal video conference

This morning we got the pleasure to have a video conference with our pen pals from Syracuse, NY!  We were all very excited to get to see and meet them.  We had a great question/ answer session.  Here's a few pictures from it.....